
Wednesday, June 26, 2013


        In medieval times, castles served as the home and fortress of a monarch or noble. The earlier castles were reinforced from earth and wood. By the 12th century, most castles were create from rock n roll. The stones came from local mines or quarries if possible, but sometimes they had to be carried long distances by get to or on ox wagons. The roofs of castles were covered with slates, clay tiles, or wooden shingles.         castlings were make on steep hill sides or at the egest of uptight cliffs. This was for bulwark from attackers. It made it harder for them to transcend the castle.         Castles also had additional purposes. They sometimes served as barracks, prisons, storehouses, armories, treasure houses, and the aggregate for local government. Castles sometimes had brewhouses, a laundry a vast bakers oven, workshops, dovecotes, and stables (MacDonald, p.12)         Castle walls surrounded the beat castle and were unremarkably several(prenominal) meters thick. They normally had 3 works: a rough stone privileged shell, a thick, solid change of flint and rubble, and an outer layer of stone called ashlar. (MacDonald, p.8) There was usually a walkway along the altitude of the walls so guards could accompaniment watch. around castle walls had spaces at the top called embrassures, which allowed archers to shoot with the protection of the wall.
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These openings also permitted stones or boiling urine to be throw down on the opponent. (Encyclopedia Americana, p.790). Towers were built along castle walls at regular intervals to strengthen them and translate commonwealth for castle workers or visitors.         Moats often surrounded castles for protection. Some good deal built castles on banks of lakes or rivers and channeled water to the moat. A drawbridge place across the moat and could be raised if an enemy approached.         Castles had fewer window, because they made the castle drafty... If you penury to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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