
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Evaluation Strategies

Objective of the inform invention : To provide education and foreign mission to 20 pregnant Latino teens regarding proper action techniques and place canal to maintain a hygienic diet passim their pregnancieswhy is it distinguished to esteem teaching strategiesThe primary reason why it is important to evaluate teaching strategies is to determine how effective is a accepted teaching system in reaching the label and objectives of the course . This center that teaching strategies moldiness be evaluated in to assess how such(prenominal) of the course depicted object do the schoolchilds hornswoggle and entrust its goals if that limited teaching strategy was useWith regard to the teaching strategy utilize to accomplish the above teaching plan , it must be evaluated in to assess whether or non the pregnant Hispanic teens understand the lesson taught by the teacher on proper exercise techniques and ways to maintain a healthy diet throughout their pregnancies , AND , whether or not they will practice what they have wise to(p) . The effectivity of the teaching strategy in reaching these both goals is the reason why it is important to evaluate itWhat argon virtually teacher Three common teacher are : self- military rank , look recap , and portfolio assessmentSelf-evaluation is a regularity where the teacher himself evaluates the teaching strategy . They judge their companionship method of didactics . This is an effective method because the teacher himself is the most knowledgeable what happens inner the classroom and the mavin who can best observe the locating of the students toward the course partner review is a method where the teacher is evaluated by his colleagues . Peer review is a very effective method of evaluation because teachers often are able to give useful recommendatio ns to former(a) teachers who are in the same! field . And they are also adequate of providing substantive and knowledgeable information . And another benefit of colleague review is that it promotes exchange of ideas among teachers about their practice .
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Thus , they are given up an opportunity to learn something about their own teachingPortfolios are collections of a teacher s work , assembled to demonstrate predominate of subject content and instructional skill . They can be used for critical purposes but also to help teachers reform their instructional practices and append their capacity for self-evaluation (Goldrick , 2002What are the important points in evaluating instructional and media strategiesUsing media and engineerin g to redeploy teachers requires a reorganization of the naturalize and redefinition of the teacher s social occasion Teachers must shift from dispensing knowledge to managing learning (Wilkinson , 1984 . However , the goal of this method of instruction is salvage the same as with other teaching strategies learningSince teacher introduce is lessened , one ingredient to account in evaluating media strategies is student interaction with the long suit used . There must be optimal interaction and compound learning in employing the particular medium of instruction . And since the teacher s role becomes that of a facilitator , then another factor to consider is that the teacher must be fully acquainted with the medium used for instruction...If you essential to get a full essay, allege it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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