
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Distance Learning (electronic Classes)

Distance LearningTechnology has proved to be one of the greatest influences in pile s survives today . It has made communicating , travel , and acquire up everyday tasks simpler but more improved . The sleep it brings to masses s lives made it the reason they rely on it so some(prenominal) . Almost everyone has mobile tele head bands and music players nowadays and there be those who rearnot leave their houses without them . Technology has also made it possible for dumbbell tube shows to be recorded and play back so that people nookie watch anytime they like p The immenseness of engine room is undeniable and can be seen especi anyy in the oeuvre setting . Companies rely on the lucre to obtain entropy , croak with to each one some other , and improve their systems Even academic institutions use the Internet for promo ting their campuses and communication among students and professors . The most useful approach and contribution of technology in the academic setting that , is Internet-based larn or maintain study Distance knowledge involves a student body who neer see each other or the instructor , who communicate via e-mail , phone , or chat , and who hand in assignments via e-mail or via posting to a common throw group field of operations (Howard , Schenk Discenza , 2003 ,.178 . It differs from traditional acquisition because students and their instructors do not invite in a physical classroom and everything is done digitally by with(predicate) the Internet or phone . Although this is the ideal style of doing outgo learning there atomic number 18 still universities who make their students to go to the campus to take exams or lead certain unavoidablenesss . Statistics for surmount learning education indicates that one-third of all postsecondary schools allow for space lea rning courses eight percent of postsecondary! schools offer college-level degree or present programs completely through distance learning and the top one-third technologies used to deliver courses mixed Internet-based , bipartisan interactive moving picture , and one way pre-recorded video (Education Center Online , n .dDistance learning has several types including speech sound-based , video-based and Internet-based .
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The audio component of a distance-learning course can be as simple as a promise call , or it can be as composite plant as an audioconference with microphones , telephone bridges , and speakers (Barron , Orwig , Ivers Lilavois , 2003 ,.183 . It can either be one-way or two-way depending on the school or instructo r . Audio-based courses are beneficial , especially those that are pre-recorded , because students lead be able to attend to it whenever or wherever they are and can be repeated in case they trust to listen to it again to verify information . Even though distance learning do not require students and teachers to meet physically , video-based courses , which can either be pre-recorded or live two-way interaction , are still offered . Although correspondence courses ready played a larger overall role , nurture delivered through video has been a mainstay in distance learning since the early days of the black and white educational demand (cited in Moore Anderson , 2003 ,.315 . Web-based courses can be considered the most familiar among the lead because an Internet connection is the most essential requirement for students to obtain...If you destiny to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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