
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Medical Marijuana

1 legitimate and honourable Issues An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Legal and Ethical Issues Regarding Medical marijuana in the State of Florida? Jennifer Steshyn University of southwestern Florida; ISS 4935 Professor Donna Trent, PhD October 29, 2010 2 Legal and Ethical Issues of Medical Marijuana Abstract The make affair of of ganja for medicative purposes dates spikelet to 2735B.C. Despite proven benefits to a variety of patients, Florida is one of 36 states that protract legally to prohibit the theatrical role of Cannabis for either purpose, including checkup examination workout (Florida; State Statutes, Chapter 893.03, 2010). The medicinal drop of Cannabis has been legalized in 14 states (PUFMM, 2010). Based on fibre studies, there is cheering cause that supports the medical use of Cannabis to lighten symptoms of chem another(prenominal)apy, appetite suppression or sizeable dysfunctions of MS and other related diseases (Stolic, 2 009). When reviewing the principles of medical ethics, and applying them to the emergence of Cannabis use for this specific demographic of the population, it would stand to reason that it should be considered for legitimation of medical use. Despite medical evidence, the political modality in the state of Florida still resists the push to legalize medical Cannabis, and a recent attempt to put the question on the November 2010 vote failed. 3 Legal and Ethical Issues of Medical Marijuana The use of marijuana (or cannabis) for medicinal purposes dates back thousands of years (Stolic, 2009). Despite proven benefits to patients who suffer from a variety of illnesses, Florida is one of 36 states that continue legally to prohibit the use of marijuana for any purpose, including medical use (Florida; State Statutes, Chapter 893.03, 2010). expression studies indicate there is substantial evidence to support the medical use of marijuana to alleviate symptoms of chemothera py, appetite suppression or muscular dysfunc! tions of MS and other pain causing diseases (Stolic, 2009)....If you want to get a rich essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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