
Wednesday, January 29, 2014


perception To see a scorned, beaten, and crucified man, lying dead in the arms of his mother is an image, which can inspire overwhelming emotions within the heart of an observer. Yet, for the longest time Ive had such difficulty sounding at Michelangelos art in this way. To me, art has never been slightly expressing oneself or conveying a message to others, but single if creating an image for the sake of beauty and perfection. When I look at Michelangelos art I see a cold, solid passel of marble carved by the skilled hands of a master, Rather than this work of great beauty, capable of eliciting a compact emotional response. I look at it in damage of the techniques Michelangelo used the understanding he had of the human form, to render a piece ultimately comprising precision and realism. It has been upon these standards that I have miserly my concept of what art is. In my eyes, art has always been average a unique abilit y that I have. I musical comedy note driven by it, not to express s...If you urgency to trounce a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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