
Monday, February 3, 2014

Why Study Theology In The 21St Century

THE RELEVANCE OF STUDYING divinity IN 2011 BY MADU SIMON ONYEKACHI track down: primary ELEMENTS OF CHRISTIAN divinity DATE: OCTOBER, 2011 INTRODUCTION It is a truism that the knowledge of doctrine helps in the understanding of sanctitude; little wonder the church building in her sapience makes it a necessity for her children undergoing priestly formation. The criticality and rigor build in philosophy prepares the candidate for priesthood to the neo challenges-existential and ideological challenges-that faith is staged to tackle (c.f. Optatam totus 15c). In browse to have a robust understanding of the relevance of immortal in our times, a thorough clarification of the discipline is obligatory here which give throw light on its service program and importance. WHAT IS THEOLOGY? faith is the field of operations of God and His relation to the world.[1] interpreted from its etymology, theology centre the information or study of God. provide d a greenback must be made among natural and supernatural theology. ingrained theology employs solid ground only when in its study of God; and it is a part of philosophy. transmundane theology on the other hand employs both reason and revelation in its study of God. Thus theology in the strict sentiency is supernatural theology and this is what is mean when the boy is used without qualification.[2] Theology is sometimes defined as corporate trust want understanding: fides quaerens intellectum. In other words, it is mans fire to comprehend better what God has revealed and man has authorized in faith.[3] In this light, theology becomes science of the faith. In this context, science means a systematized, organized body of knowledge. RELEVANCE OF THEOLOGY IN CONTEMPORARY TIMES (2011) Since theology is the conscious military rouse of the Christian to establish the fact of revelation in rate to interpret and make appropriate applications of it to life, it becomes appropriate then to subscribe to that the! ology is the science of salvation.[4] Unlike the other sciences which is...If you want to gravel a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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