
Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Main Functions of a Family

? grounding\nThe classic translation of the family performer that the family is a sm exclusively affable sort whose members are connected by marriage, parenting and kinship, common life, congeries budget and mutual chaste responsibility. The family is one of the four thoroughgoing institutions of golf club which gives a constancy and ability to fill existence in each consequent generation. At the same date the family is a sm al unneurotic meeting which acts like the most cohesive and stable unit of society. During all life citizenry contract a part of some different groups - a group of peers or friends, school class, lead police squad or sports team - but only family stay the group that people would never leave.\nFamily is an integral part of society and its value cant be reduced. Neither nation, nor civilized society ever goes without family. The coming(prenominal) society wont exist without family. For each mortal the family is the core. The concept of happi ness closely every person relates with family: a golden man who is happy at his own home.\n entirely healthy, happy families can positively effect on human, and therefore on society. Realization of all family functions requires copeable effort and authentic qualities of the person.\nIn my build, in the low chapter, I upset the family as a sociological institution. In the second chapter, I consider different functions of the family: reproductive, economic and consumer, educational, renewable and other and also their interconnection. In the third chapter, I consider the transformation of the modern family.\nTasks of my work:\n1. To give a definition of the family as a sociological institution;\n2. To consider the functions of the family and their kindred;\n3. To show how the modern family has changed.\n\n1. The Family as a Sociological intro\nFamily it is a socially approve and constant association of people related by kinship, marriage, or adoption that live together and e conomically dependent on each other. As an inseparable c...

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