
Friday, November 11, 2016

The Odyssey and The Metamorphoses

For the Greeks and Romans, Homers Epic, The Odyssey and Ovids Metamorphoses are much much than that entertaining tales closely divinity fudges, mortal(a)s, monsters and etc. The tales likewise served as a pagan paradigm from which every section and relationship can be defined. Through the Odyssey the reader, old or young, can learn authorised themes about what was considered normal in those Mediterranean cultures. Women play vital authoritys in these devil narratives, mortal women and gods alike. In both Epics, women and the effects that they had on the lives of the others around them, especi every toldy men were great, but their roles are so small that its hard to catch just how important women like genus Penelope, Hera (Juno) and genus A indeede truly are. I end to compare and contrast these two works of literature and the women that breathe within their pages.\nThroughout The Odyssey there is a limited display of women. Whether servant girls, deities, queens, or Gods, they are mostly all assigned to the narrow role of stimulates, seductresses, or some compounding of both. Mothers are seen as the givers of feel for and sorrow rather than square supporters of their sons and husbands in terms of army or personal quests. In most instances depicting mother figures in The Odyssey the women are in need of support and counsellor as they are all but weak, fragile, and unavailing without the steady hand of their male loveseat to guide them. Women appear to be lost and inconsolable if unable to nurture their husbands and sons, as in the case of poor Penelope. Penelope mourns her lost husband, seemingly without noticing the attentions of the suitors. At one point, one of the bards of the palace begins singing about the deucedly battles where she assumes her husband fell during battle, and she then falls to the ground express feelings and mourning the absence of her husband, Odysseus. It takes the leadership and masculine presence of her so n, Telemach...

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