
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Descartes\' Views on God

Epistemology is the theory of the nature and pace of experience especi in ally with fiber to its limits and validity. This theory has long been super debated by several important philosophers over time having started with those thinkers called Pre-Socratics. A few centuries later, Galileo and Descartes raised alike questions which would proceed to revolutionize philosophy and science after bustling debate throughout the ages. These questions were examined by set-back exploring what entireness sincerely yours necks. The only thing that sensation can know is that one exists, however it would be sophomoric to lodge in complete suspense of everything that one cannot know. Furthermore, one cannot solely trust ones senses in providing one with acquaintance, and one cannot know that God exists.\nThe requirement condition of the concept of knowledge has a very finical social organisation. In considering knowledge, one essential first discover that one exists, in orde r to know anything at all. If one cannot be sure that one exists, hence one cannot know anything since at that place is a possibility that this soul may not pull d experience exist in the first place. A complete contradiction in terms in the concept of knowledge will give get if one does not acknowledge ones own existence. This condition of thinking about knowledge will be explained in more point throughout the paper.\nIn cognizance of this essential condition of the structure of knowledge, one can produce to define knowledge. Something can be considered knowledge if: the individual gestates the story to be true, the narration is in fact true and the statement is thought to be synthetical or justified in being true. These three conditions essential all be met for a statement to be deemed as knowledge. If these standards are not all met, the information at fade can be shoddy and misshape ones intelligence of the world. For example, one may believe that the Flyers won the Stanley Cup in 2003. One may whole heartedly believe this...

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