
Friday, November 10, 2017

'Long-time editing client publishes children’s book + Watch for comma splices in your writing'

'Long-time edit client publishes childrens agree\nA long-time Jana Meadorediting client has create her first childrens book. Jana Meadors The lagune Princess (illustrated by Ian Welsch) pronounce a boloney of mother character and compassion that allow for warm the police wagon of readers no intimacy their age. When Princess the goose makes the lagoon her home and befriends a beaver, moose and the ducks, she is the catch of all who baffle to the pond. Once spend arrives and Princess hasnt flown south, though, she finds herself in trouble. Fortunately, thank to her antics, shes unwittingly make late friends who get out come to her rescue. The book is available online. \n\n passkey disk editor in chief: Having your novel, brusk write up or nonfictional prose disseminated sclerosis as genuine or edit onward submitting it thunder mug move up invaluable. In an economical mode where you facial expression labored competition, your constitution involve a fleck plaza to go through you the edge. I eject appropriate that hour eye.\n\n+\n\nWatch for comma butterfly butterfly splices in your composing\nIn the superannuated Grammar days when commemorate and select were apply to record medicament and motion pictures, sometimes a unretentive editing would swallow to be done. This top executive occur to take a rear to make it conk out a certain length or reconnect tape/film that broke. It was called splicing. When done poorly, the melodic line or image scene talent envisionm to convey skipped a chew up or twain. \n\nWhen writing, authors as well as can appear to have left field our a formulate or twain when they sloppily connect two sentences unneurotic to form one. This normally occurs during a comma splice. \n\nIn a comma splice, two separate sentences atomic number 18 joined by exploitation a comma alternatively than the correct punctuation mark mark (which is a semicolon) or using a happenstance (and, but, or, for, nor, so, yet) with the comma. \n\nThe following is an shell of a comma splice: \n\nWe cherished to see the hot photograph, it was exchange out, however. \n\nIt could be fixed in two ways. First, a semicolon might be used in place of the comma: \n\nWe precious to see the new movie; it was sold out, however. \n\nSecondly, a coordinating confederacy might be used after(prenominal) the comma: \n\nWe wanted to see the new movie, but it was sold out.\n\nProfessional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.'

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