
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

'Character Summaries in The Color Purple'

'In the first earn to beau ideal, Celie is asking immortal for help. She does non get along what is happening to her and asks God to help her under digest. Celie has been attack by her let multiple times. She was previously gravid with a girl. Celies suspects her catch killed the kid in the forest . She is now pregnant with her second electric razor a male child. Celies receive is sick, therefore Celie has bewilder the target for her fathers needs. eventu eithery Celies mother dies, and Alphonso sells Celies plunder to a lucifer (exposition).\n\nIn the afterwards part letter, Celie says she cant stand her father anymore, and that he conjectures she is evil and no good. She says he took her rape boy. She doesnt think he killed it, kind of she thinks he change it to a braces in Monticello. She complains her breasts are sore and abundant of milk. Her father tells her to chuck something decent on, he wants her to look decent. Celie says that she has postal co de decent to wear. Celie hopes that her father will discern some single to marry, she is fright that he exponent sleep with her exact infant. She promises to protect her itty-bitty sister (rising action).\n\nEventu eachy, he comes family unit with a girl or so Celies age. Celie says that her dad sleeps with her all the time. She claims that the girl looks goofy and tired all the time. She then goes on to explain that her piffling sister Nettie has a boyfriend. Netties boyfriends wife passed away, she was killed by her boyfriend succession walking home from church. Netties boyfriend has 3 children, Nettie sees him every sunlight at church. Mr. ????? as Celie calls him, visits Nettie every sunshine evening. Celie tells Nettie to pay aid to her school and studies. She implies that she does not want her sister to end up like ma (complication).\n\nAlphonso beats Celie one day after church suit he aphorism her wink at a boy in church. Celie says that she had something in h er eye and did not wink. She says she never looks at boys because she is afraid of them. Celie tells N... '

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