
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

College Life

Ive seen the finer side of life, and Ive seen some of the worst that life has to offer. Ive contribute it off happiness and sadness; emotional peace and tranquility and I gather in experienced the dark depths of depression. Ive felt the nitty-gritty appreciation of a child with starry eyes; and I have shed tears of desperation at the extreme ruth of our society today. In my young life of exactly cardinal years, I have experienced far much(prenominal) than a young girl was meant to have experienced. I have fragmented my naivety in my zest for pauperisming much and to a greater extent of life than what was offered to me in appropriate stages of time. I made choices that were at times inappropriate and decisions that were at times offensive. I failed to go to high school in tenth grade, which resulted in me unravel out. After that I only chose the wrong path more and ended up in a juvenile facility. In the six months I was there I began to change my call for on l ife. I realized with sternly work I could accomplish my dreams and goals. In eleventh grade I refractory to continue me education and through a program called success I eventually graduated. I am very tremendous of myself because I managed to complete high school and graduate with my authoritative class. Through my mistakes I have learned lessons of life that alas some will never learn in a lifetime. I am who I am today because of the failures and the accomplishments of my away. I neither regret nor take pride in my previous(prenominal); it is simply a part of my past. I am only more confident of my future because of my past. I am focussed on the success I expect of myself and my abilities to be successful. contrasted many of my friends and acquaintances, I no longer delude myself in the feel that if I want something badly enough, it will happen. I have learned that if I want something badly enough, only I throne make that happen through hard work, determination , and perseverance. reproduction has be! come extremely important to me. I salute in the knowledge that through education I can provide...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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