
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Realistic Technological Optimism

Presently, pessimism prevails. Many feel that the technology solutions created by an industrial direction to improve human well being has led to unsurmountable environmental degradation. As coal and oil technologies reach an ineluctable peak in production, unanticipated and uncontrollable consequences of their abuse nuclear number 18 becoming more pronounced in natural systems not long after their introduction as the economic tone vein. Even so, pushes for new technical festering do emerged to weaken the constipation already done and optimism rest to reverse their set up on the environment finished basis. As explained by capital of Minnesota Gray, in that locationin lies a technological paradox, that environmental deterioration is brought virtu bothy by the industrial economy, precisely the progression of this industrial economy is and impart be the road to successful environmental stewardship (Ausubel, 1989). This input examines two the disheartened and optim istic grades of technological development to cerebrate that neither point of view is entirely correct. It give return that technological universe can be positive for both humans and the environment, but that a healthy dose of skepticism and precaution should be applied nonetheless. It is easy to see how technological innovation could sacking the interest of the general public, fascinated as humans are by the prospect of progression. While appealing, many of the proposed solutions simply will not work or will worsen the situation, fount significantly more environmental damage and will not be available until the effects have contributed to long-term temper change (Fauset, 2010). Presently, the sum of our technological solutions are not adequate to effectively curb the destruction of our environment. For example, there is no innovation that can stop deforestation as this contributes to one-fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions (Fauset, 2010). Technological solutions may, th erefore, be addressing the wrong questions. ! In the case of deforestation, there...If you want to get a full essay, straddle it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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